LVN Salary in Delaware

The average salary of Licensed Vocational Nurses in Delaware is $56,350 per annum, which is higher than the average LVN Salary in the U.S.A.

In the table below, we provide the average salary of LVN in Delaware, the average income in DE and the average LVN Salary, so you can compare them yourself.

LVN Salary in Delaware

Average Salary
LVN Salary in Delaware (DE) $56,350
Delaware State Salary $57,350
LVN Salary in U.S.A. $47,000

LVN Salary in Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Area, Delaware

Hourly Rate
Weekly Wage
Monthly Salary
Annual Salary
Dover DE $22.00 $880 $3,814 $45,770
Wilmington DE-MD-NJ Metropolitan Division $27.13 $1,085 $4,703 $56,430
Sussex County Delaware nonmetropolitan area $24.34 $974 $4,219 $50,630