LVN Programs in Texas

School NameCountyCityPhone NumberAddressZip Code
Alvin Community College LVN ProgramBrazoria CountyAlvin281-756-56303110 Mustang Road
Alvin, TX 77511
Amarillo CollegePotter CountyAmarillo 806-371-50002201 S Washington Street Amarillo, TX 7910979109
Angelina CollegeAngelina CountyLufkin936-639-13013500 S 1st Street
Lufkin, TX 75904
Austin Community CollegeTravis CountyAustin512-223-51003401 Webberville Road
Austin, TX 78702
Baptist Health System School of Health ProfessionsBexar CountySan Antonio210-297-96368400 Datapoint Drive
San Antonio, TX 78229
Bell Tech Career InstituteHarris CountyHouston713-636-265914602 Presidio Square Blvd
Houston, TX 77083
Blinn CollegeWashington CountyBrenham979-830-4000902 College Ave
Brenham, TX 77833
Brazosport CollegeBrazoria CountyLake Jackson979-230-3000500 College Blvd
Lake Jackson, TX 77566
Brightwood College in Corpus ChristiNueces CountyCorpus Christi361-852-29001620 S Padre Island Dr #600
Corpus Christi, TX 78416
Brightwood College in San AntonioBexar CountySan Antonio210-308-85846441 NW Loop 410
San Antonio, TX 78238
Central Texas College at KilleenBell CountyKilleen254-526-71616200 W Central Texas Expy
Killeen, TX 76549
Cephas Center For Health ServicesDallas CountyDallas469-828-19314563 S Westmoreland Rd
Dallas, TX 75237
Del Mar CollegeNueces CountyCorpus Christi361-698-1200101 Baldwin Blvd78404
Frank Phillips CollegeHutchinson CountyBorger806-457-42001301 Roosevelt St79007
Galen College of NursingBexar CountySan Antonio210-485-22227411 John Smith Dr78229
Galveston CollegeGalveston CountyGalveston409-944-42424015 Avenue Q77550

If you have considered going back to school but you are not quite sure what field to enter why not consider a career in health by completing a program at an lvn school near you.

According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, careers as licensed vocational nurses are expected to continue to grow by 21% through 2024. This is faster than the average growth for all occupations.

If you want to become an LVN and get exposure to that 21% employable job market growth, then going to one of the many accredited LVN programs in Texas will put you in a great position.

Before you start your vocational nursing training, you might be interested to know what to look for in a program and the different schooling options. To do this we must first discuss the importance of choosing a state approved LVN School. Another important aspect is which type of schools offer LVN programs.

Finally, we will discuss duration of training and how to pick the one that works best for your lifestyle . After reading this article you will be well prepared in finding and understanding the most important tips to consider when picking the right LVN program for you.

The Importance Of Picking A State Approved LVN Program

You don’t want all your vocational nursing training to go to waste! To help ensure this doesn’t happen, you need to make sure that the LVN program you will be attending is state approved. This is very easily accomplished by requesting a list from the state board. Or, you can just check online. For LVN programs in California, you can check the BVNPT Website. They list not only all valid programs, but also when their accreditation expires.This will immediately alleviate any questions in your mind as to whether or not the program meets the requirements in California.

The accreditation status of LVN programs in Texas can be verified at the Texas Board of Nursing Website. Typically all state approved lvn schools will be accredited by one, two or both of the national accrediting agencies in addition to any state specific agencies.

The two national accrediting agencies are the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission, Inc. (NLNAC) and the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). You wouldn’t want to start a program that wouldn’t allow to you to sit for the NCLEX-PN. Doing your research before you start any LVN program in Texas will save time and money in the long run.

Your LVN Program is Texas State Approved….Now What?!?

The great thing about LVN programs is that they’re in every major city, as well as most smaller cities. The term LVN(Licensed Vocational Nurse) is only used in California and Texas. In the other 48 states, they are referred to as LPNs(Licensed PRACTICAL Nurses). The only difference is the title. Scope of practice, salary ranges, and everything else is the same. So if you see the term LPN, you can assume it’s in a state other than California or Texas.

Technical, Vocational, and Community colleges in Dallas and Houston are the most common locations for LVN programs. These programs are typically designed to get you working in the nursing field quickly with low out of pocket costs. LVN programs are also available at colleges and universities. Programs at these locations, though, tend to run a bit longer with quite a bit more out of pocket expense.

High School and ROP Vocational Programs

Whichever school you choose to attend, the education your receive will be top notch. Even some high schools in Northern Texas have trade programs to get their students into the nursing field quickly. The great thing about high school programs is that you can be working immediately after graduation.

These high school or ROP programs are typically free or nominally priced. Still other schooling is offered at local hospitals. Check with hospitals in your area to see if they provide this type of program. Sometimes in hospitals where nursing staff is low they will allow you to work off any fees incurred during training. Of course, the hospital will expect you to work with them for at least 12 months. This is so the facilities can recoup the costs spent on training you. 

What Training Length Works For Your Schedule?

One of the great things about training as a vocational nurse versus other training you may consider is that you can basically choose which programs length works the best with your schedule.

LVN training can be anywhere from 9 months to 2 years. Some of the most important tips to keep in mind when selecting a program on the basis of length is that usually the shortest program will be the most intensive program whereas the longer program has more flexibility. As an example, some accelerated nursing programs can be completed in as little as 9 months. That’s great, but it probably won’t work for a parent that needs to keep working. For working parents, there are plenty of part-time 24 month LVN programs.

The fast track nursing programs tend to be Monday through Friday, from 9:00am to 5:00pm. So, those programs are basically like having a full-time job where you don’t get paid!  

A person who also has to hold down a full time job may opt for a program that only meets two to three times a week. This would give them flexibility to work around their work schedule. These are some very important aspects to take into consideration prior to picking an LVN program.

Does Your LVN Salary Depend on Which Program You Attended?

In a word, NO! Your LVN salary won’t be dependent on which vocational nursing school you attended. There’s a simple reason for this. When healthcare employers are hiring nurses, what they care about is whether or not you have a valid license. As long as you’re properly licensed, where you went to school doesn’t matter. Experience, specialty certifications, and employment track records are important aspects. Which LVN program you took isn’t.

Final Thoughts on Vocational Nurse Training in Texas

Now you have some of the most important points to take into consideration before picking an LVN training program. First ensure that your lvn school is state approved. Second, you have to decide what type of school you want to complete your training at. Finally, ensure that you are picking a program length that works with your schedule. With these tips, picking an LVN school in Texas and joining the ranks of career that is going to continue to grow for years to come shouldn’t be an issue.