LVN Salary in North Dakota

The average salary of Licensed Vocational Nurses in North Dakota is $43,900 per annum, which is lower than the average LVN Salary in the U.S.A.

In the table below, we provide the average salary of LVN in North Dakota, the average salary in North Dakota and the average LVN Salary, so you can compare them yourself.

LVN Salary in North Dakota

Average Salary
LVN Salary in North Dakota (ND) $43,900
North Dakota State Salary $45,850
LVN Salary in U.S.A. $47,000

LVN Salary in Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Area, North Dakota

Hourly Pay
Weekly Salary
Monthly Wages
Annual Pay
Fargo ND-MN $20.28 $811 $3,516 $42,220
Grand Forks ND-MN $20.25 $810 $3,510 $42,300
Bismarck ND $22.88 $915 $3,966 $47,470
Far Western North Dakota nonmetropolitan area $22.33 $893 $3,871 $46,330
West Central North Dakota nonmetropolitan area $21.36 $854 $3,703 $44,610
East Central North Dakota nonmetropolitan area $21.11 $844 $3,658 $43,660
Far Eastern North Dakota nonmetropolitan area $20.71 $828 $3,590 $43,110