Choosing the Right Surgical Technician Degree

Diploma Programs for Surgical Techs

Surgical Tech Handling Surgical Equipment

When seeking to become a surgical technician, you will undoubtedly find that there are different levels of education you can pursue. Although many schools offer an associate degree for the basic level of education, you may opt for a surgical technician diploma. This provides the basic instruction in the field and takes less time to complete than an associate degree. As a general rule, though, the higher level of education, the higher the average surgical tech salary.

There are benefits and drawbacks in obtaining a surgical technician diploma over a degree. You really must consider both before making the best decision for you, especially as the program you pursue will impact your career’s path.

Diploma Pros and Cons


  • Within a short time, you can gain your surgical technician diploma, saving you time and money spent on your education.
  • With an average cost of $6,000, the diploma can offer the same education in a fraction of the time.
  • Certification can follow, giving you career opportunities that you are most interested in within your field.


  • Although you are saving time and money, employers are more likely to hire candidates with higher degrees.
  • In this case, “You get what you paid for” rings true. Diploma graduates will not have as much training and expertise as associates, making it that much harder to adapt to your new position successfully.

A Surgical Team Works Closely Together

What It Provides

Much like an associate degree program, a surgical technician diploma offers instruction on the most important skills and knowledge needed within the field. You will learn how to provide assistance within the surgical setting using the most up-to-date technologies, processes, and procedures.

Certificate Programs for Surgical Techs

There are many students these days who would like to pursue higher education, in order to give their careers every advantage. Yet many cannot commit to a long-term degree program or the associated costs. Although there is a great deal of financial aid available, much of this funding must be repaid, which can become a great debt for many after graduation.

There are two things to note about a surgical technician certificate:

  1. It is not the same as surgical technician certification, and should not be confused with it.
  2. There are opportunities you can take a hold of with a certificate, even if you do not wish to pursue a two- or four-year degree.

What it Provides for Future Surgical Technologists

Costing under $10,000, a certificate offers a great benefit for people who are not able to afford a college degree but still want to advance their education. The certificate program provides the basic instruction needed for the field, including proper procedures within the clinical setting and the appropriate knowledge of the human anatomy. However, furthering your education past a certificate is highly desired in the field.

Once you have gotten your surgical technician certificate, you may choose to pursue certification, which can be done through completion of the NBSTSA certification exam. This will provide you with greater opportunities for professional advancement.

People with families and busy lives know that it is hard to pursue higher education, but with a certificate program in surgical technology, you can work towards your goals more efficiently. There are many employment opportunities for certificate degree candidates, as well as further opportunities for training and education.

Associates Degree in Surgical Technology

When it comes to laying the foundations of a prosperous future, your associate degree will be your first step. Over 450 accredited associates programs are currently recognized by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs [CAAHEP]. These schools can include online and on-campus institutions, including colleges, Universities, and learning centers.

What It Provides

There are various courses included in associates programs, including physiology, microbiology, pharmacology, and professional ethics, to name a few. Medical terminology and anatomy is also required, along with courses in health, chemistry, and mathematics. Students learn the basics of the surgical environment and logistics of the position, with strong instruction in best practices.

Education towards Success

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Associate Degree

An associate degree is considered the start of your educational journey, which typically is followed by a bachelor’s degree. Certification is offered through a national certification examination provided by an accredited organization or institution. Graduates are required to maintain continuing education in order to keep their certification in good standing. Overall, the associate’s degree provides the basic structure and foundation for learning the skills to access the career.

The settings you enter with an associate degree in surgical technology can differ between clinical and large scale to small scale, with several different surgical centers possible in various levels and areas of surgery. Taking the opportunities in your path require higher education which begins with the associate or technical degree.

Bachelor’s Degree

Once you have your associate degree as a surgical tech, you may want to continue your education. After all, the higher your educational level, the better your overall outlook on job security and wages. Put another way, why stop at the entry level education when a bachelor’s degree can provide so many more opportunities?

What It Provides

Expanding on the skills and knowledge you gained from the associate degree, the bachelor’s will provide a stronger emphasis on higher level roles for surgical techs within the medical setting. Coursework expands on previous topics, such as:

  • Human diseases
  • Ethics in health care organizations
  • Health promotion
  • Clinical lab fieldwork
  • Planning and evaluating of health promotions

Statistics show that the employment outlook for surgical technologists shines brighter for those with certification obtained after completion of their bachelor’s degrees. This certification makes opportunities possible that would not otherwise be offered to people with lower level degrees.

Paying for your Bachelor’s Degree

The bachelor’s degree is the most commonly sought degree, with many accredited schools offering 24-month programs. The average costs for a bachelor’s degree in surgical technology can range between $16,000 and $28,000, depending on the school. There are many organizations that offer financial aid, with grants and scholarships available to cover most or all of your educational costs.

Master’s Degree

Pursuing a career can be done in various ways, but the one thing that does not change is the need for education. Out of all the programs available for surgical technician training, master’s degrees are at the top. They offer the most opportunities in the field, as well as the greatest amount of instruction, with a strong emphasis on managerial and leadership roles.

Going Further to Get More

When it comes to gaining a master’s degree, you may feel that it is not necessary, especially if you are already able to find quality employment. There are some great advantages to getting one’s master’s degree, even to those who are already practicing in the field.

The first thing to think about is promotions. When you are up for a promotion, your educational background is re-evaluated, determining whether you are right for advancement or not. When it comes to your master’s degree, it acts as the reassurance your employer needs to make the Yes decision when you are being considered for a promotion. Without the master’s degree education under your belt, you are more likely to be passed over when it comes to advancement, especially if there are others with higher education.

A bachelor’s degree is a great level of education to gain when you are first pursuing a career in the surgical technician field. Just think, however, that with a little more education, you could increase your annual earnings by as much as $10,000! You do not have to pursue more education, but doing so makes you a stronger candidate, no matter what position you seek.

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